In-House Course Request Form

Contact Information

Lead Technical Contact

If you are an Administrator or Coordinator, please provide the contact information for the Lead Technical/Engineer person who is best able to answer technical questions regarding the course subject matter being requested. CASTI will require a technical lead to finalize course topics with the instructor.

Attendee Information

For class sizes of 5-9, please contact CASTI at for a group discount on our open-enrollment courses. CASTI recommends keeping class sizes under 30.

Course Requirements

CASTI is able to provide any one of our standard course offerings, modified courses, or completely customized courses to meet your in-house training needs. To initiate the developmet of custom course outlines, you will find it useful to start with one of CASTI's public-enrollment courses. From there, we encourage you to add or remove topics as they relate to the work of your company. Course outlines for public-enrollment courses can be found on the individual training course webpages. Visit our homepage for a list of all training courses and select any individual course by clicking on the respective dates.

In-House Training Options

(CASTI recommends supplementing the training material with internal documents such as manuals, standards, and failure reports to use in practical workshops or interpreting and referencing them where they coincide with the code/standard requirements.)

(If you are considering multiple training courses, CASTI can assist you with a comprehensive training program to establish order, flow, and transition between courses.)

Course Logistics

Quotes are provided after establishing your training requirements and will be based on the type of course, course length, number of attendees, and course location.

Course length is ultimately determined by your course requirements; such as: the number of topics, the depth of discussion, level of learning, and the training goals you wish to achieve.

(Suggested dates cannot be guaranteed and are subject to instructor availability and time required for course development.)